Thursday, May 8, 2008

A week of PiCK-ME-UPs ::

Feeling and Doing...
More important than feeling love for others, is doing those actions that lead to feelings of love. More important than feeling inspired, is saying those words that lead to inspiration. More important than feeling great joy, is thinking those thoughts that make us happy. ::

The Main Residence...
For us, the main place the Creator's presence resides in our heads. As such, we should keep our thoughts pure -- clear of anger, resentment, and grief, clean of hatred, disdain and the need to take revenge. ::

To Model Ourselves...
We need to keep the Creator alive in our thoughts not just that we may focus on His joy, majesty and love, but that we may model ourselves on this magnificence. ::

Paths and Gates...
With all our hearts, we must walk the paths of wisdom, aiming as we do so to pass through gates of new understanding and insight, and reach an ultimate greatness. ::

The Source...
Think of the Creator as the source of ultimate happiness. Now strive for ultimate happiness, for yourself and others, for now and for the future. ::

How Brightly...
How brightly can we dream of light and love, of revelation and happiness -- for ourselves, for our world? How often and long can we dream? How real can we dream? We need to give more to our all-important ability to dream. It may just be our greatest act of creativity. ::

PiCK-ME-UPs are sent out daily. To subscribe visit :: A collection of PiCK-ME-UPs under a variety of topics has also been published recently as a book. To view, visit


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