Sunday, April 13, 2008

A week of PiCK-ME-UPs ::

A Prison...
Our physical-material situation is a prison. We rely so much on our health, wealth, our jobs and connections. But, all this stops us from laying our faith with the Master of all, and enjoying the many gifts He has for us. ::

Above Ourselves...
We need to rise above ourselves, to exist separately from our bodies and our physical needs and see ourselves from above. We look at our whole, and not just at the parts. This way, we get a true view of ourselves and the paths we hope to follow. ::

To Radiate...
We all admire the person with a quick tongue and sharp sense of humor. However, the ability to radiate warmth, love and affection towards the people in our lives is many times more valuable. ::

Faith is not the product of intellectually following proofs for the Creator's existence. It is also not experiencing personal miracles in our lives. Rather, it is the ongoing relationship we create through connecting with the Creator at an everyday level -- speaking to Him, praying to Him, and enjoying His presence. ::

Complaining is destructive. It may help us now and then to unload our worries on others, but mostly when we complain, we display ungratefulness, and bring even more troubles on ourselves. ::

The changes in the seasons, summer, winter, spring, autumn, keep us alert. The changes in our situations, good days and bad, times of joy and times of depression, keep us on our toes. All this tells us that we have to keep moving, doing, achieving and growing. ::

PiCK-ME-UPs are sent out daily. To subscribe visit :: A collection of PiCK-ME-UPs under a variety of topics has also been published recently as a book. To view, visit

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